Friday, 20 February 2009


This is the second week I have been in Los Angeles. I am here meeting people in relation to my new film project "FEVER", it features Joseph Marcell from the Fresh Prince Of Bel Air.

It is an interesting time to be in Hollywood, the economic conditions mean that the distributors are even more talent driven, and cast is key. One distributor said to me it is all about cast, cast, cast! If you give Walmart 50 dvd's the buyer is not going to watch them, but if he see three of four faces on the cover of the DVD that he recognises he is more likely to buy it. The same applies for the audience.

I listened to Ben Ramsey being interviewed on blogtalkradio by Tanya Kersey I also went to his myspace blog and he had some great things to say, check it out. HOLLYWOOD BULLSHIT 101 - BREAKING INTO THE GAME

I have also been catching up with friends in the business.

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